Texas law categorizes crimes as misdemeanors or felonies, then breaks each of those categories up into various levels of charges. Felonies alone are divided into...
Six Quick Tips for Hiring Your Texas Criminal Defense Law Firm
Facing criminal charges can be a terrifying possibility. Not only with respect to having your freedom and reputation on the line but also simply because...
Surefire Signs It’s Time to Hire a Texas Criminal Defense Attorney
The Constitution of the United States protects your rights, even if you’ve been accused of a crime. The Sixth Amendment allows for anyone accused of...
How a Defense Strategy Can Change When a TX Assault is Aggravated
Assault is considered a violent crime, but the severity of what someone is charged with depends on the circumstances surrounding an incident. Generally speaking, there...
Why Criminal Diversion Programs are Good for Everyone in Texas
In Texas, 20-30% of criminal offenders released from prison go right back to prison within three years of release. This suggests that, in many cases,...